I am so smart, I am so smart, S-M-R-T, I am so smart. On Monday I predicted that thanks to the a mention in a Bill Simmons chat on ESPN.com, That the Silversun Pick Ups would experience a sales bump or at least a slow down of their drop off.
The band had a sales decrease of 28% the previous week and after the Simmons mention their sales went up 7%. The numbers are right here
This week - 5,832 +7
Last week- 5,426 -28
Two weeks ago- 7,498
Now I can’t be sure that this is the only reason that sales could have gone up, after a slide over 1/4 of their previous week, but I predicted it and I’m going to take credit for it, or I guess More accurately give credit to him. I'm naming it the Simmons Sales Bump I hope this doesn't start a trend where label's new media departments are sending sports writers albums in hope for a mention in a column. This is kind of a happy accident, and should not be part of any bands marketing plan.
It does bring up an interesting point though as radio continues to wane in influence, what will be the new indicators of potential success. Whoever can quantify and recognize these will have a leg up on the competition if finding new bands.
In other Soundscan news, Avril Lavigne’s 286,358 was the first week since April 1 when Tim McGraw debuted with 325,000. People were calling it the savior of the industry, but overall sales volume was only up 1% and after Avril and Nine Inch Nails there were no albums above 100,000. All signs point to another total sub 100k week for all debut albums as Joe (who was my best friend in high school’s little sisters favorite artist) is set to reach 90k. I’m curious as to what Avril will be able to put up after her relatively blockbuster initial week. If it is over 50% the album is in trouble. I hope it isn’t though as the album is filled with pop gems and I’ve always had a soft spot for Ms. Lavigne, since learning she received a cowriting credit for her #2 hit song Complicated, by changing the original lyric of "Take off all your stupid clothes" to "Take off all your preppy clothes." That one word made the song resonate with me, and I applaud her for that.
If you're so smart, how come you misspelled smart?!
Homer? I'm waiting?
Ralph Wiggum said that quote, not Homer. Way to know your simpsons.
I cant quote pigs. I don't speak pig-ese. Therefore, using the "vicinity rule" since Homer was the closest human in the vicinity, I attribute the quote to Homer.
Frank, I assume you're now going to try and convince me that the Simpsons are animated.
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